Monday, September 2, 2019

001 - Bulbasaur

We're going to dive right into this madness. The idea should be pretty self-evident. Each blog post will give you 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons monster stats for an individual Pokemon. Don't ask me why I decided this was a good idea - because the answer is most certainly a definitive - "it isn't." 

But we're doing it anyway, because that's just the kind of life I lead. 

Each of these stat blocks will also be added to an ongoing PDF that will eventually be released for download for those that want it. If you like what you see and feel like rewarding this ludicrous behavior with some cold hard cash, you can find a donation link on the side of the page. Each donation goes towards keeping me solvent enough to do this kind of stuff in my spare time.

So without further ado, it's time to get this thing started with the OG himself - Bulbasaur.
I can't really say anything bad about this little guy. Just look at him. He's too cute! Also, if I do, the internet will get mad at me. And that's not a good way to start off this new project.

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